Tuesday, 24 October 2017

OUGD601 | COP3: Tutorial 1 - Group Tutorials 'Organising Your Research Project'

First tutorials is within small groups as the feedback was quite general. Nevertheless future tutorials will be 1-2-1 and will follow the structure outlined on eStudio. 

For example, the aims of this first tutorial are:
This tutorial should focus on clarifying the students Research Question. Refer to the General CoP3 advice and ‘Organising Your Research Project’ lecture if necessary. Students should attempt to complete a revised CoP3 Proposal if their direction has changed significantly over the Summer. Students should agree an outline of the chapter structure of Dissertation with their supervisor. Students should also agree a rough timeline for the development of the practical element of the module. It is essential that students make contact with Academic Support at this stage, if this will be required.

To bring to the following to the tutorial:

  • CoP 3 Proposal - please make sure that this has been updated with any extra work you have done on it
  • Outline of Chapter Structure - who/what are you reading, what are the main arguments you wish to cover
  • Timeline for the development of practical work for the module
  Below is a draft structure of my dissertation: 



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