Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Study Task 04: Summarising & Paraphrasing

In this Study Task 4, following from the previous session of 'Reading & Understanding a Text'. I need to write a paragraph summary of the 5 key texts that I have found.

During my research, I read "Olins, W (2003) Wally Olins: On Brand London: Thames and Hudsons". Here it informs the reader how and why brands are significant to costumers? This has been told, by referencing many common brands that we all recognise today i.e Gap, Levi, Mercedes etc. and therefore explains which have or have not been successful during these years. It also tells us why have they been this way. The focus or purpose of this book is for the reader to get a better comprehension about the aspects of branding, looking at the history of it, and investigating if it makes a difference of a brand being higher and lower the status is etc. "Branding has moved so far beyond its commercial origins that its impact is virtually immeasurable in social and cultural terms". Here is the quote from the book as it depicts how branding has become a huge part of our lives, as it is everywhere you look in the world. In addition the brand has a massive affect to the consumer, as us the costumers do not really take a products functional characteristics for granted, we only most focus on the logo or image as it is no longer just their own image. The brand also creates our own individualistic image. In todays era, the consumers which is us, also get to control if the brand is either going to become successful or not. This is strengthen by this quote "The brand is controlled by us - the costumers, make it successful or not".

BBC4. 15th March - 7th April. Edwan Bernise - showned American companies how they could make people want things didn't need by linking producing mass goods by their unconscious desires. Out of this control masses by statisfying people inner selfish desire. This could either make them happy or depression and this is happening today.

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